10R140 E Clutch Expanded Capacity With Drum

10R140 E Clutch Expanded Capacity
Pricing: $1,359.00

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The Expanded Capacity Clutch Modules

The 10R140 transmission, while a very capable unit, has its deficiencies just like anything else when it is asked to perform outside its original design intention. Since its debut in 2018, SunCoast has been actively involved in research and development of this new platform. With our active partnership with Raybestos powertrain, we can now deliver you the very best product to date with the 10R140 platform. These new SunCoast 10R140 transmission expanded capacity clutch modules that are included are completely drop-in replacements. Absolutely no machining is required. 

The "E" Clutch

If the 10R140 transmission had evil twin redheaded stepchildren, the "E" clutch would definitely be one of them. This other proverbial thorn in your side would be the "F" clutch.

This clutch, the "E" clutch in a 10R140 transmission, is engaged in 1,3,5,6,7,8, and 9th. The real issue becomes apparent pretty quickly. This clutch is cycled on 3 times and off 2 times by the time you are in 5th gear. The clutch is on in 1st then cycled off in 2nd, cycled back on in 3rd, then back off in 4th...only to be cycled back on in 5th gear. In higher-horsepower or higher-demand towing and hauling situations, this constant cycling on and off can lead to premature failure. 

SunCoast has addressed this issue with the 10R140 transmission by improving the clutch friction properties with the New Raybestos GPZ material and increasing clutch capacity by a whopping 20%. This takes the clutch stack-up from a factory 5-clutch stack-up to a 6-clutch stack-up. We simultaneously are addressing the heat issue with both improved friction coefficient, as well as increasing surface area. This SunCoast 10R80 transmission "E" high capacity comes completely assembled and stacked up with a new (not used) OE machined drum, piston, and backing plate.




Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 8.0 lbs.
  • W12.0000” x H12.0000” x L8.0000”

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